School’s Out for Summer!!!

Pexels Tim Mossholder


1. Read books above a Lexile 600
2. Make improvements in the garden:
remove some overgrown shrubs,
spread some mulch,
plant a few more perennials,
get the last of the annuals into the flower beds,
(yes, I know I am quite behind on the “Spring” planting but it was technically Spring until yesterday)
3. Work on agility course with my dog, Kilian
4. Put up a new fence in the backyard
5. Visit my niece & her new baby
6. Watch all the Star Wars movies (never saw them!)
7. Scan my old slides onto DVDs (again, I am quite behind in this technology…but hey, I used to be a slide librarian)
8. Play with learn to use my Ozobots & Cubelets
9. Go to the beach (even though I live barely 20 minutes from the beach, I NEVER go! Too many red-headed childhood sunburns, I guess!)
10. Plan some kind of vacation (you think you have the whole summer off, but it slips through your fingers very quickly)

Try out some summer-themed activities. Have you used BOOM cards yet? They are self-correcting digital task cards hosted on the BOOM Learning website. You can use Fast Pins to play for free, or get a paid subscription to monitor your students’ progress.

This BOOM card deck asks students to identify the color of a seashell and tap on the right crayon.

This desk shows students a shape and they have to match the shape with a fun shaped lemonade slice!

This deck asks students to sort items into two sand castles.

If you don’t use BOOM Cards, maybe you want to try some interactive Google Slides activities. This deck shows students a word and they have to identify a rhyming word, all while completing a fun flip flop picture.

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