Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

I saw an idea a few years ago, from the Johnson County (Kansas) Library, called “Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover.” The librarians covered up the books’ covers with white paper and displayed only the first line of the book, to intrigue teen readers. Some of our books feature (sadly) dated artwork or worn covers. It’s a way to pique interest in those books. I adapted the idea somewhat, as I did not always use the first line (sometimes there was a better quote lower down the page, or on the next page).

Some suggestions: remind your students that they still have to know which book they have borrowed. Point out the title page (I also reprinted the title in small type on the back cover). If your bar-codes are typically on the cover, reprint them and affix them to the new “blank” covers. Ditto with spine labels.

During Library class, I grab one from the display and DRAMATICALLY read the first line:

“I am the best liar you will ever meet. I should be good; I’ve had a lot of practice. I’m only fourteen, but I’ve known as long as I can remember that there will be times when I’m going to have to tell a lie…If you ask me, people who say honesty is the best policy are just terrible liars.”

(They look at me, slack-jawed, Did she just tell us to LIE when she asks if we returned our library books? NO, NO, a thousand times NO!)

Any guesses which book?

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